Open House: Black & Gold Night
Join us for Black & Gold Night on Friday, February 7, at 7:00PM.
This FREE Open House event is for our current families as well as new families who are checking us out – come on out and bring the kids!
We’ll enjoy watching the high school basketball game, eating refreshments, winning prizes, and having fun.
This is a great opportunity to celebrate the blessings of being part of the Columbia community!
Girls Game at 5:30
Boys Game at 7:30 -
BINGO Nite 02/13
Parents/guardians and friends, join us on Thursday, February 13, as our PTF hosts a fun BINGO Nite, just for the adults.
This exciting event will be in the Upper JC (cafeteria) 7:00-8:30PM. We’ll have great prizes and lots of fun!
The $10 admission fee gets you in the door, light refreshments, and your first BINGO card. (Additional cards can be purchased at the event: $3 each or 2 for $5.)
Childcare is available: $5 per child (Kindergarten-6th grade).
This could make a fun pre-Valentine’s date or a Galentine’s celebration with friends.
Come out and play!
Check out our selection of school merch:
From hoodies and hats, to t-shirts and drink tumblers, we've got something for everyone!
Note: purchases must be picked up from the school office during business hours.
Seeking Soccer Coach
Columbia Christian High School seeks a Varsity Soccer Head Coach for Summer/Fall 2025.
A modest stipend is provided for the position.
Click here for more information.
Contact the Athletic Office for more information: athletics@columbiachristian.com.
After-School Clubs: Winter Session
Sign up now for our winter after-school clubs!
3rd-5th grade students can choose “Explorations in Art Mediums” on Wednesdays.
3rd-12th grade students can choose “Diamond Painting & Paint by Number” on Thursdays.
These classes are going to be a blast!
Each club includes 9 sessions, meeting one day per week on our campus: January – March. The cost is $135 per club.
Parent Information Night
All parents of 8th grade students should make plans to attend our free “High School Info Night” on Thursday, February 6, at 6:30PM.
(7th grade parents are invited too!)
We’ll meet in the Upper Johnson Center to connect and share about Columbia’s high school experience.
The transition from middle to high school is an important stage in life, and we want to help you prepare.
New families who want to learn more are welcome as well!
RVSP HERE! (We'll enter you in the prize drawing!)
Student in the News!
December 12, 2024
Sophomore Caeley Saunders was featured in the news this week for her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. Caeley researched, designed, created, and equipped a sensory space here on campus, called "A Place of Peace."
The Portland Tribune published an informative article: Read More
KPTV FOX 12 conducted an interview and ran a story: Watch Interview
Great job, Caeley!
Homecoming 12/20
Students, families, alumni, and friends, YOU are invited to join us on Friday, December 20, for our Homecoming games and ceremony.
General admission: $5, senior citizens: $3, students & alumni: FREE!
See you here!
Winter Musical Tickets
Make plans to support our talented students by attending our winter musical production: The Sound of Music - Youth Edition.
Click here to get your tickets
You won't want to miss this delightful show!
Fall Newsletter: Check it Out!
Our Fall Newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know our elementary students raised over $10,500 in their Jog-A-Thon this year?
- Have you heard about our new “Youth Group” on campus?
- Read more about our Expanded Course Offerings!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
Dual College Credit - GFU
Columbia Christian High School Students benefit from a variety of elective options including a selection of Dual College Credit courses through an established partnership with George Fox University. From classes in math and science, to subjects like psychology and literature, Columbia students have great opportunities to get ahead!
Holiday Fair 11/23
The annual Holiday Fair is coming back to our campus on Saturday, November 23, from 10:00AM to 4:00PM.
It’s not too soon to start dreaming about Christmas! Mark the date on your calendar and we'll see you here!
Please let our PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) know if you have any questions: ptf@columbiachristian.com.
We are looking forward to enjoying the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes of Christmas!
Update: As of November 1, all vendor tables are sold out!
Christian College Expo
Students, get ready to learn a lot at our free expo!
On Friday, October 4, Columbia Christian School is hosting several Christian Colleges/Universities on our campus. All 8th-12th grade students will have a designated time that morning to connect and learn about opportunities for the future!
Questions can be directed to Guidance Counselor Pearl Howarth: phowarth@columbiachristian.com.
Youth Basketball Clinic
Kids, get ready to hoop it up! Our youth basketball clinic is coming in October for children from 2nd grade through 8th grade. This program includes 4 sessions on Saturdays: 10/05, 10/12, 10/19, and 10/26.
The younger athletes (2nd-5th grade) will play 8:30AM-10:00AM and the older athletes (6th-8th grade) will play 10:15AM-11:45AM.
This is a great opportunity for boys and girls to learn the fundamentals, improve core skills, and have fun! All ability levels are welcome.
After-School Clubs: Fall Session
Sign up now for our fall after-school clubs!
4th-8th grade students can choose Explorations in Art Mediums on Wednesdays.
6th-12th grade students can choose Intro to Programming on Thursdays.
These classes are going to be a blast!
Each club includes 10 sessions, meeting one day per week on our campus – starting in October. The cost is $150 per club.
Register your child today to ensure he/she has a spot!
Summer Newsletter: Check it Out!
Our Summer Newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we had 14 high school athletes go to the State Track & Field competition?
- Have you heard about our “Power of Music” program?
- Read more about our Service/Mission Week!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
Lunch Program
This year we are continuing our partnership with Boma Foods, offering lunch options on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays – starting in the second week of school, on Wednesday 09/04.
Our new ordering website will walk you through the steps of creating your account, adding your child(ren), and purchasing their lunches! Your child's meal will be distributed by our teachers during your student's lunch time. Our youth portions (formerly "regular" portions) are $6.75, and our adult portions (formerly "XL" portions) are $8.75. Each meal comes with the main entree, a seasonal fruit or veggie, and a 100% fruit juice. Boma Foods is located in our cafeteria kitchen and makes all of our delicious lunches on site.
Click here to view the menu and order!
Orders must be placed at least 3 days before the date of service.
Back to School BBQ
Our Back-To-School BBQ is always a great time of food, friends, and fun. Bring your lawn chairs or picnic blanket and meet us in the Womack Fountain courtyard Friday 09/20 at 5:30PM, We’ll have the bounce house available for the little kids and games out on the field for all ages.
Get your meal tickets now! Skip ahead in the line on Friday night (and help us make sure we have enough food) by purchasing your dinner before the event:
Click here to reserve a meal for yourself /your family!
Tickets in advance are $5 per person or $20 per family (up to 5 members of the same immediate household).
If you purchase them at the event, it’s $7 per person or $28 per family.
Bring some extra cash to purchase a Kona Shave Ice or a raffle ticket to win a fun basket of goodies – both support our PTF.
1st-6th Grade Orientation
Parents/guardians of students from 1st through 6th grade have their orientation on Monday, August 26, at 6:30 in their child’s classroom. (This event is just for adults – no children.) Our teachers are excited to meet you and get everyone ready for the 2024-2025 school year! Note: Teachers will be providing two sessions (approx. 20 minutes each), so if you have multiple children you can start in one classroom and then go to another classroom to get all the info you need.
PK & K Meet the Teacher
Our youngest students are invited for a special time in their classrooms on Monday, August 26, from 10:00AM to 11:30AM. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten parents/guardians AND their child should plan to attend this morning event. We’re looking forward to this time to get the students comfortable with their teacher and classroom and to share important information with the adults.
High School Orientation
9th-12th grade students and parents are encouraged to attend our “Back to School” event on Thursday, August 22, at 7:00PM. We’ll start in the Upper Johnson Center (cafeteria). We’re excited to prepare together for a wonderful year!
7th & 8th Grade PIE Night
For our families with 7th and 8th grade students, both the parents AND the child are invited to P.I.E. Night (Parent Information Event) – an orientation session on Thursday, August 22, at 5:30pm in the Upper Johnson Center (cafeteria). We look forward to connecting with you that evening as we prepare for another excellent experience!
Bunco & Game Night
Due to low pre-registration numbers, we are postponing our Bunco & Game Night (originally scheduled for Friday 08/23). We will keep you posted about when the next event will be held!
Movie on the Field
Join us for a FREE Movie Night on the Field!
Any incoming 8th-12th grade students are invited. Bring a friend!
Tuesday, August 6, 8:00-10:00PM on the soccer field -
Come Play With Us!
Join us for a “Play Date” on our school playground!
Students from Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited for three different sessions:
July 25 (10:00AM-12:00PM)
August 12 (4:00-6:00PM)
Come for one, two, or all three events -- to play with your old friends and meet some new friends. Anyone is welcome to join us for this FREE activity – current families, new families, and friends who just want to come visit.
Questions? Contact the Admissions Office: admissions@columbiachristian.com or 503-252-8577.
Youth Volleyball Camp
It's volleyball time!
Girls who will be entering 4th grade through 8th grade this fall are invited to participate in our FUN skills camp this summer:
Monday, August 12
Tuesday, August 13
Wednesday, August 14
Thursday, August 15
Each day will be in our gym 10:00AM-12:00PM.
The cost of participation is $80, and the players will receive a free T-shirt.
Elementary Summer Day Camp
Looking for fun opportunities for your child this summer? We are excited for our Elementary Day Camp: Summer Knights 2024!
Registration is now open for 5 weeks of FUN here on our campus: June 24-28, July 1-3*, July 8-12, July 15-19, and July 29-August 2. Students who are entering grades 1st through 6th are invited to join us.
Click here to get more details and register your child.
Click here to pay to secure his/her spot(s).
Questions? Contact Director Summer Blachly at summerprogram@columbiachristian.com.
Spring Newsletter: Check it Out!
Check out our Spring Newsletter for recent updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we started some new clubs this year?
- Have you heard about our Read-A-Thon success?
- Read more about the winter sports season!We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
Elem Spring Soccer
Our much-anticipated annual Elementary Spring Soccer Program is back!
Students from Kindergarten through 5th grade are invited to participate in 6 after-school sessions: 3:30-5:00PM on our soccer field. This fun clinic starts on Thursday, May 9.
The cost of participation is $90, and the players will receive a free T-shirt.
Spring Musical Production
Make plans to support our talented students by attending our spring musical production: Beauty & the Beast Jr.
Click here to get your tickets
You won't want to miss this delightful show!
Career Day - Bring a Friend!
All Columbia 8th-12th grade students will participate in our 3rd Annual Career Day on Friday, April 26. Activities take place during normal school hours and are designed to broaden students’ understanding of opportunities after high school graduation. They will hear from representatives from a wide variety of industries and connect with apprenticeship opportunities.
Non-Columbia students are invited to be our “guests” for the day.
Auction 04/06
Start bidding NOW in our online auction! (No ticket required!)
You won’t want to miss our biggest fundraiser of the year on Saturday, April 6! The annual auction at Columbia Christian is a fantastic evening of food, fellowship, and friendly/competitive bidding.
(Ticket sales end on Tuesday, April 2!)
We need your help to make this a successful event. Can you help by volunteering, donating an item, or sponsoring a table? Contact auction@columbiachristian.com for more information!
After-School Clubs: Spring Session
Sign up now for our spring after-school clubs!
6th-12th grade students can choose from Disc Golf, E-Gaming, or Fiber Arts (knitting, friendship bracelets, etc.)
These classes are going to be a blast!
Each club includes 8 sessions, meeting one day per week on our campus – starting in April. The cost is $120 per club.
Register your child today to ensure he/she has a spot!
Our Winter newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we expanded our college-credit class options?
- Have you heard about the success of our Holiday Fair?
- Read more about our Christmas celebrations!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
Open House & Fun Fair
Save the Date for our Open House & Fun Fair on Saturday, February 10, at 10:00AM.
Our FREE carnival includes games, treats, raffles, and prizes for everyone to enjoy.
Whether you are currently at Columbia, a friend of the school, or a family exploring education options -- we invite you to join us.
This is a great time to get more information about the programs offered at Columbia, to meet some members of the Columbia community, and have fun together.
See you here!
Want to learn more about Columbia Christian School or ready to take the next step?
Contact us today: admissions@columbiachristian.com or 503-252-8577.
After-School Clubs: Winter Session
Sign up now for our winter after-school club sessions! These make a great Christmas gift!
Click below to learn more about the options – from robotics and chess, to cookies and art, plus ukulele, gospel singing, and more. These classes are going to be a blast!
Each club includes 10 sessions, meeting one day per week on our campus – starting in mid-January. The cost is $150 per club. Register your child today to ensure he/she has a spot!
Homecoming 01/27
Students, families, friends, alumni, and community, you are invited to join us on Saturday, January 27, for our Homecoming games and ceremony. See you here!
End of Year Campaign
Can you help us reach our goal of $110,000? Donations to Columbia's End of Year Campaign support the adoption of Biblical worldview curriculum and provide scholarships to families who want to choose a Christ-centered education for their children.
Will you prayerfully and joyfully consider sharing your resources for furthering the Kingdom work at Columbia Christian School? Your financial gift, no matter the size, will have a profound impact in the lives of our students!
Donations can be made online or by mailing a check to: Columbia Christian School 9101 E Burnside Street Portland, OR 97216.
Youth Basketball Camp
1st-8th grade boys and girls are invited to Columbia’s Holiday Youth Basketball Camp on Monday, December 18, and Tuesday, December 19.
The younger group (1st-4th grade) has their session 8:00AM-10:00AM.
The older group (5th-8th grade) has their session 10:00AM-12:00PM.
Cost is $65 for both days.
Note: At least 10 players must be registered for each session, or the camp will have to be canceled.
Christmas Program
It’s time to get into the holiday spirit! Make plans to join us for a special Christmas program – featuring performances by our students from preschool through high school. “A Joyous Christmas Day!” is a FREE event on Thursday 12/14 in the Eastside Church of Christ auditorium. Doors open at 5:45PM and the show starts at 6:00PM. Come and enjoy the talents and hard work of our students!
Drama Performance Tickets!
Columbia Christian School's Drama Department proudly presents "Just Another High School Play". You won't want to miss this hilarious show -- featuring many talented middle and high school students!
Choose from six performances over two weekends:
WEEKEND 1: Friday 12/01 7:00PM, Saturday 12/02 7:00PM, Sunday 12/03 2:00PM
WEEKEND 2: Friday 12/08 7:00PM, Saturday 12/09 2:00PM, Sunday 12/10 2:00PMSeating is limited, so don't delay! Some shows will sell out, so we recommend you purchase in advance. All performances are in the Vera Johnson Rehearsal Hall: 9101 E Burnside Street Portland, OR 97216. See you at the show!
Fall Newsletter: Check it Out!
Check out our fall newsletter for recent updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know our enrollment grew this year?
- Have you heard about our church partnerships?
- Read more about the fall sports season!We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
Giving Tuesday
Giving Tuesday is the perfect time to support nonprofit groups that are blessing our communities and making a positive impact in our world.
As you make plans to donate to different organizations this month, we hope you will keep Columbia Christian School in mind!
For over 75 years, Columbia has focused on excellence in faith, character, and academics. Serving hundreds of children and families each year, the school remains committed to fostering relationships, pursuing truth, and preparing students for an abundant life of Christian leadership and service.
Great things are happening at Columbia; your gift supports the ongoing ministry in this place.
We hope you will join in!
Holiday Fair 11/18
That’s right, after a 15-year hiatus, the Holiday Fair is coming back to our campus on Saturday, November 18. It’s not too soon to start dreaming about Christmas! Mark the date on your calendar and we'll see you here! Please let our PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship) know if you have any questions: ptf@columbiachristian.com.
Update November 5: Vendor application is now closed.
We are looking forward to enjoying the sights, smells, sounds, and tastes of Christmas!
Keeping the Faith Event 11/03
Columbia gladly welcomes anyone in the community who would like to attend a wonderful evening with Bob Jones University's Dr. Renton Rathbun. (Click here to read Dr. Rathbun's extensive bio.)
This event is for all parents, grandparents, and friends – regardless of your child's age or grade.A lovely dessert buffet and beverage service are included in this valuable presentation.
Sign up by October 20th to be entered into a raffle for a seasonal gift basket including gift cards!
Click here to learn more and register! -
Christian College Expo
High school students, get ready to learn a lot at our free expo! On Friday, October 6, Columbia Christian School is hosting nine Christian Colleges/Universities on our campus. All 9th-12th grade students will have a designated time that morning to connect and learn about opportunities for the future! Questions can be directed to Guidance Counselor Pearl Howarth: phowarth@columbiachristian.com.
Our Summer newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we added a Knights Nook in our middle school area?
- Have you heard about our new Athletic Director?
- Read more about the success of our Spring Sports!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
New After School Clubs!
It’s time to sign up for our much-anticipated fall enrichment programs! These NEW after-school clubs are going to be a blast! Click here to learn more about the classes – from robotics and chess, to knitting and painting, plus gospel singing, crafts, and more!
Each club includes 10 sessions, meeting one day per week on our campus – starting in late-September. The cost is $150 per club. Register your child today to ensure he/she has a spot!
Back to School BBQ 09/15
Our back-to-school BBQ is always a great time of food, fellowship, and fun. Meet us in the Womack Fountain courtyard on Friday, September 15, at 5:30PM, and bring your lawn chairs or picnic blanket. We’ll have the bounce house available for the little kids and games out on the field for all ages.
Get your BBQ tickets now! Skip ahead in the line on Friday night (and help us make sure we have enough food) by purchasing your dinner tickets before the event: click here to reserve a meal for yourself /your family!
Tickets in advance are $5 per person or $20 per family (up to 8 members of the same immediate household).
If you purchase them at the event, it’s $7 per person or $28 per family.
7th-12th Student & Parent Orientation
For our families with 7th-12th grade students, both the parents and the children are invited to an orientation session on Thursday, August 31, at 7:00pm in Sanders Hall. We look forward to connecting with you that evening as we prepare for another excellent experience!
PK-6th Grade Parent Orientation
Parents/guardians of students from Preschool through 6th grade have their special orientation on Thursday, August 31, at 5:30 in their child’s classroom. (This event is just for adults – no children.) Our teachers are excited to meet you and get everyone ready for the 2023-2024 school year!
Note: Teachers will be providing two sessions (approx. 20 minutes each), so if you have multiple children you can start in one classroom and then go to another classroom to get all the info you need.
July Tuition Special
Do you know someone looking for a quality education for their child in Pre-K, Kindergarten, or 1st grade? Check out our “Expansion Special”! Due to enrollment growth this year, we're adding some new classrooms. That means we have additional seats to fill! During the month of July 2023, new families who enroll a child in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, or 1st Grade will save 10% off that child’s tuition for the 2023-2024 school year.
Contact the admissions office to learn more: 503-252-8577 or admissions@columbiachristian.com.
Come Play With Us!
Join us for a “play date” on our school playground. Students from Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade are invited for three different sessions: July 17, July 26, and August 10. Come for one, or two, or all three -- to play with your old friends and meet some new friends. Anyone is welcome to join us for this free event – current families, new families, and friends who just want to come visit.
Questions? Contact the Admissions Office: admissions@columbiachristian.com or 503-252-8577.
Elementary Summer Program
We are excited for our Knight’s Quest Summer Program 2023! The theme is “Kitchen Science” and it’s going to be a blast! Children who are entering grades 1st through 6th can participate in any of the 5 weeks – or all of them. Contact Director Leah Lubke with any questions: llubke@columbiachristian.com.
Spring Newsletter: Check it Out!
Check out our Spring newsletter for recent updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know Mrs. Siler is retiring?
- Have you seen the photos from Student Cabaret?
- Read more about our spring service projects!
We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
Student Cabaret Tickets
Columbia Christian School's Drama Department proudly presents "Student Cabaret".
Join us for an evening of singing, dancing, and fun. Participants have selected a variety of their favorite songs to perform -- some happy, some sad, some solos, some rousing group numbers, and all of them brilliant!
Choose from six performances over two weekends:
WEEKEND 1: Friday 04/28 7:00PM, Saturday 04/29 7:00PM, Sunday 04/30 2:00PM
WEEKEND 2: Friday 05/05 7:00PM, Saturday 05/06 7:00PM, Sunday 05/07 2:00PM
Single admission is $5, family admission is $20.
Elementary Spring Soccer
Our annual elementary spring soccer program is back and better than ever! After school for six days in May, participants enjoy fitness training, skill activities, game play, and lots of FUN!
Middle School Parent Night
Are you the parent/guardian of a student in 4th-7th grade? Then this event is just for you! Make plans to come to our Middle School Parent Night on Tuesday, April 25, at 7:00pm in the Upper Johnson Center. We will be sharing important updates and information that you won’t want to miss!
RSVP before the event to be included in the prize drawings!
Career Day (8th-12th Grade)
All Columbia 8th-12th grade students will participate in our 2nd Annual Career Day on Friday, April 21. Activities take place during normal school hours and are designed to broaden students’ understanding of opportunities after high school graduation. They will hear from representatives from a wide variety of industries, connect with colleges & universities, and participate in panel discussions and breakout sessions.
Non-Columbia students are invited to be our “guests” for the day and must sign up in advance: click here for guest registration!
Jan/Feb Newsletter: Check it out!
Our January/February newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know that our elementary students had a surprise Bible Day (complete with time machine)?
- Have you heard about the growth of our International Student Program?
- Read more about the success of our Winter Sports!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
ACSI Accreditation Visit
March 1, 2023
The four-person ACSI Accreditation Team finished their evaluations and reports after four days of meetings, observations, focus groups, and evaluations on campus. This site-visit was the culmination of more than a year of preparations and submitting a lengthy self-study report this winter. Columbia administration is happy to share a few of the commendations given by the accreditation team:
- The staff of CCS are committed to the development of the whole student from a distinctively Christian perspective.
- The school board and administration demonstrate their priority to provide a just compensation package for all employees.
- Professional Development for all faculty is ongoing and integral to the school, giving flexibility for faculty to have individually-targeted goals.
Columbia is grateful to be a part of a rigorous, holistic process of organizational appraisal and improvement that supports excellence and the flourishing of the school. Our accreditation status has been renewed for the next five years! Praise the Lord!
6th-12th Grade Parent Night
Did you miss our Parent Night in March? Don't worry! You can still get all the information about our excellent programs. Contact the office today to schedule your personal meeting and tour: 503-252-8577 or admissions@columbiachristian.com.
Are you the parent/guardian of a middle or high school student? Then this event is just for you! Make plans to come to our 6th-12th Grade Parent Night on Monday, March 13, at 7:00pm in the Upper Johnson Center. We will be sharing important updates and information that you won’t want to miss!
Nov/Dec Newsletter: Read the Latest!
Check out our November/December newsletter for recent updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know our school families donated a truckload of supplies for local foster children?
- Have you seen the photos from our programs for Veteran's Day and Christmas?
- Read more about our winter highlights!
We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
Fun Fair & Open House
Mark your calendar for Saturday, February 4! Our Open House this year is a “Fun Fair” format. The activities kick off at 10:00am -- including indoor games, prizes, and treats! This is a great opportunity to get more information about the programs offered at Columbia, to meet some members of the Columbia community, and enjoy time together. Bring a new friend and connect with old friends!
Can't make it to the event? Don't worry! Contact us today to schedule your personal visit and campus tour: admissions@columbiachristian.com or 503-252-8577.
Sept/Oct Newsletter: Check it Out!
Our September/October newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know that our students launched pumpkins across our campus?
- Have you been introduced to our new faculty & staff members?
- Read more about our Technology Strategic Plan!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
Drama Performances
Columbia Christian High School's Drama Department proudly presents "The Curious Savage". You won't want to miss this show - featuring the talents of many of our own high school students!
Choose from six performances over two weekends:
WEEKEND 1: Friday 12/02 7:00PM, Saturday 12/03 7:00PM, Sunday 12/04 2:00PM
WEEKEND 2: Friday 12/09 7:00PM, Saturday 12/10 7:00PM, Sunday 12/11 2:00PM
Seating is limited, so don't delay! Buy your tickets today to reserve your spot: online using the link below or in the high school office with cash/check. Adult admission is $12, child admission is $10 (age 18 and under). See you at the show!
July/August Newsletter: Read the Latest!
Check out our July/August newsletter for recent updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know the Sojourners volunteered on our campus this summer?
- Have you seen the photos from our 75-year anniversary celebration?
- Read more about our summer highlights!
We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
Davis Garden
Installment of the “Davis Garden” is scheduled for Summer 2022. This new landscape feature, dedicated in honor of newly-retired Principal Joel Davis, will be located in the south campus courtyard facing the Womack Fountain and Sanders Hall. Featuring a walkway, dedication area, and a variety of trees, bushes, and other plants that will attract birds, bees, and butterflies, this surprise “gift” to Mr. Davis was announced to the public at his retirement celebration this month.
Did you miss the celebration? No worries. You can still help!
Learn more about these two options:
Click here to donate to the Davis Garden fund
Click here to sign up as a volunteer
We appreciate your support in honoring Mr. Davis's 34 years of service to the school!
New Girls Basketball Coach
July 18, 2022
Join us in welcoming Jeff Ahrend as our new Varsity Girls Basketball Coach! Coach Ahrend was hired for this position due to his extensive knowledge of the game, his passion for leading young people, and his plans to build Columbia's Girls Basketball program through the youth!
75th Anniversary Celebration
The Gathering is a day dedicated to the celebration of 75 years of educational success!
We invite you to join us on Saturday, August 6, for fellowship and re-connection.
This anniversary event is for anyone who has been a part of Columbia Christian College, Cascade College, and Columbia Christian School through the years.
Our story...
In 1947, a group of individuals came together, prayed in earnest about starting an educational facility in Portland, and established Columbia Bible School. In 1956, the school moved to the property we reside on today, a campus where God has been steadfast and glorified for over 65 years. Operating as a combination of elementary, middle, and high school, a junior college, and a four-year college, God has blessed the Pacific Northwest with this campus.
You are also part of this blessing. Come share your stories and your memories!
Register here!
Your $35 registration includes the continental breakfast, catered BBQ lunch, and snacks (as well as all of the activities for the day).
View the schedule here!
May/June Newsletter: Check it Out!
Our May/June newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know a new garden is being constructed on our campus in honor of Joel Davis?
- Have you heard what parents are saying about our school?
- Read more about our first annual Night of Knights Athletic Awards!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
New Principal Announced
July 1, 2022
Columbia Christian School is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Deborah Miller as Principal. Dr. Miller has worked in and with Christian schools since 1986. Her passion is to inspire and equip Christian educators to fulfill their calling with excellence as a way to worship and glorify God and to help schools fulfill their missions – that students' lives might be transformed more fully into the image of God.
You can read more about Dr. Miller in the letter from President Ami Vensel.
Elementary Summer Program
Join our Knights Quest!
Columbia's 2022 Elementary Summer Program is scheduled for 5 weeks: June 27 - July 29, for students who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Last year was a blast with a variety of special guests and creative activities; we are looking forward to new adventures this summer as well.
Joel Davis Retirement Celebration 06/18
Join us for a “come and go” dessert reception to celebrate Principal Joel Davis’ retirement!
The FREE event is Saturday, June 18, from 1:00 to 4:00pm in the Johnson Center. A formal presentation will begin at 2:30pm.
There is no charge to attend, but we ask that you RSVP so we can plan accordingly: https://secure.qgiv.com/for/colchrsch/event/850293/
In addition to attending the reception, we invite you to participate in two other ways:
1) Would you honor Mr. Davis’ service to the school by contributing to his “top secret” campus gift? Your donation will support this special project. Specific details about this dedication will be revealed at the event!
2) Share your memories, words of appreciation, and well-wishes for Mr. Davis. Comments can be emailed to alumni@columbiachristian.com and cards/letters can be mailed to:
Alumni / Joel Davis Event
Columbia Christian School
9101 E Burnside Street
Portland, OR 97216
**any donations should be sent separately from cards**
Your participation means so much as we thank Mr. Davis for his tireless work in Christian education!
Musical Performances
Columbia Christian School's Drama Department proudly presents "Matilda the Musical". You won't want to miss this spectacular show - featuring the talents of many of our own elementary, middle, and high school students!
Choose from eight performances over three weekends:
WEEKEND 1: Friday 05/13 7:00PM, Saturday 05/14 7:00PM, Sunday 05/15 2:00PMSOLD OUT!WEEKEND 2: Friday 05/20 7:00PM, Saturday 05/21 2:00PM, Sunday 05/22 2:00PMSOLD OUT!BONUS ENCORE SHOWS: Saturday 05/28 7:00PM, Sunday 05/29 2:00PM
Seating is limited, so don't delay! Buy your tickets today to reserve your spot: online using this link or in the high school office with cash/check. Some shows will sell out in advance, so it's a gamble to wait and try to pay at the door. Adult admission is $12, child admission is $10 (age 18 and under). See you at the show!
Elementary Soccer Clinic
Columbia's Youth Soccer Clinic is always lots of fun! This year's program, for students from Kindergarten through 4th grade, will take place over two weeks at the end of May. The dates are May 24th-26th and May 31st-June 2nd (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), and it will be hosted on our own soccer field 3:00-4:30PM. The cost of participation is $60 per student ($10 per session), and the players will receive a T-Shirt on the final day. This clinic will be run by our Head HS Soccer Coach, Matt Scholer, and our Head MS Soccer Coach, David Rude, along with support from our high school players.
Join us on Saturday, May 21, 2022 in support of excellence in faith, character, and academics.
Visit our auction website to learn more about the event and register for free!
March & April Newsletter
Check out our March/April newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we were featured on KGW8 news for enrollment growth?
- Have you heard about the helicopter landing on our soccer field?
- Read more about our spring highlights!
We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
Career Day - Bring a Friend!
Friday, April 22, is Career Day at Columbia Christian School.
Do you know an 8th-12th grade student who would like to join us?
All Career Day activities will take place during the school day and will include a variety of sessions that will help students as they plan and prepare for life after high school graduation.
Guest friends can register to join us by using the link below. Guests and hosts will receive a $5 credit to use in our Student Center Café.
We're On The News!
March 9, 2022
Columbia Christian was featured in a story that aired on KGW8 this week regarding increased enrollment at private schools in Portland. Reporters interviewed President Ami Vensel and parent Jana Apple for some insight about the growing number of public school families who are making that transfer.
Jan/Feb Newsletter: Check it Out!
Our January/February newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know our middle school students dissected fish and planted trees?
- Have you heard about our high school Winter Formal: Mystery Tour?
- Read more about our surprise elementary Passport Day!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
PTF - Get Involved!
Our Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) invites all of our Columbia family to get involved - parents, guardians, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and friends. The group meets on the first Monday of each month at 7:00PM in the Lower Johnson Center. Everyone is welcome!
Band Student Honor
January 14, 2022
Columbia senior Connor Dukes is performing at the Hult Center in Eugene today as a member of the Oregon Music Education Association's All-State Band. Connor was selected from among hundreds of applicants as one of the top high school band musicians in Oregon. Congratulations to Connor on this achievement and honor!
Open House & Parent Rally
We have many full classes this year and anticipate the same for Fall 2022. Want to know how to secure your child's spot for next year?
Join us Sunday, January 30, at 2:00 for our Virtual Open House & Parent Rally.
Will you win one of the fun prizes - like Knights gear, Cafe' gift cards, or FREE tuition? Everyone who attends the event can enter!
Homecoming 01/22
Join us "in person" or online for our 2021-2022 Homecoming activities!
Saturday, January 22nd
1:15pm - Alumni Reception in the Lower Johnson Center
2:15pm - Homecoming Ceremony in the gym (Facebook live available)
3:00pm - Knights Varsity Boys Basketball vs. PC (YouTube livestream available)
Nov/Dec Newsletter: Read the Latest!
Check out our November/December newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we have over 100 new students at Columbia this year?
- Have you heard about our winter service projects?
- Read more about our drama and Christmas programs!
We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
January Basketball Camps
Join us for 4 fun basketball camp sessions in January 2022! Sign your child up using the links below:
You Can Help!
Your support means so much!
Give today through this link.
Merry Christmas!
Wishing you an abundantly blessed holiday season!
Band & Choir Performance
Come enjoy the musical talents of our middle and high school band and choir at their Christmas program on Thursday, December 16, at 6:30PM at the Eastside Auditorium!
Elementary Christmas Program
Our PreK through 5th grade students are excited to share their musical talents on Tuesday, December 14, at 6:30PM in the Eastside Auditorium!
Remember, due to limited seating, each elementary family is allowed to bring siblings and up to two adults for the in-person event. All other friends and family can participate through live-stream: https://youtu.be/B6gVNSiViYo.
Join us and get in the Christmas spirit!
Winter Drama Show
Get your tickets now for our Winter Drama Production: Little Women.
Visit the high school office, call 503-252-8577, or get them at the door before the show.
Athlete in the News
November 10, 2021
Did you hear the great news? Columbia senior Makena Houston is the Girls Cross Country State Champion for 1A/2A/3A schools! Great job, Makena!
CHECK OUT THE STORY HERE (scroll down to the 3A/2A/1A section)
October 25, 2021
Columbia senior Makena Houston and Cross Country Coach Kevin Yaws were recently featured on the OSAA website.
Sept/Oct Newsletter: Check it Out!
Our September/October newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know our campus had its own pumpkin patch?
- Have you heard about our mental health seminars?
- Read more about our fall sports wrap-up!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
SOLVE Service Day
September 18, 2021
Thanks to the crew who came out for the SOLVE neighborhood cleanup around our campus. 34 volunteers (including students, faculty, staff, and community members) picked up 38 bags of litter! We appreciate everyone who devoted part of their weekend to service. Keep an eye out for our next opportunity to give back!
July/Aug Newsletter: Read the Latest!
Check out our July/August newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we revived our elementary day camp program?
- Have you heard about the new folks on our team?
- Read more about our summer activities!
We are grateful for the ways God continues to bless our school.
HS Soccer Coach Announced
August 15, 2021
We are pleased to announce the hiring of our new high school soccer coach: we welcome Matt Scholer to the Knights athletic staff! Coach Scholer has previously coached at Roosevelt HS, Milwaukie HS, and at Portland Christian HS. He played collegiate soccer at Warner Pacific University and brings a wealth of playing and coaching experience to the Columbia program. Please join us in welcoming Coach Matt to the Columbia Christian family!
It’s not too late to sign up for fall sports: co-ed cross country, co-ed soccer, and girls volleyball. Click here for info and registration link.
HS Volleyball Coach Announced
August 12, 2021
Columbia Christian School is happy to announce the appointment of Alfred Agcaoili as High School Volleyball Coach.
From Columbia Athletic Director Joey Chapman: “The passion that Coach Alfred Agcaoili has for teaching the game of volleyball is inspiring. Coach Agcaoili’s energy and expertise will provide our athletes with an incredible volleyball experience here at Columbia Christian. The future is bright for the Knights Volleyball program.”
Click here for a press release with more information about Coach Agcaoili. Please join us in welcoming him to the Columbia Christian family!
Athletic Director Announced
August 2021
Columbia’s administration is pleased to announce the hiring of Joey Chapman as Athletic Director and High School Boys Basketball Coach.
From Columbia President Ami Vensel: “We are excited to welcome Joey Chapman to our leadership team. We are looking forward to the energy and passion he will bring to our program!”
Click here for Joey's introduction letter.
Please join us in welcoming Coach Chapman to the Columbia Christian family!
5th-8th Grade VB Camp
We are excited to host a volleyball camp this summer for girls in grades 5th-8th. View the flyer for more information. Questions can be directed to Coach Natalie: nbishop@columbiachristian.com.
*** There is one important change: Wednesday's time of camp has been moved to 2:00-4:00, not the typical 3:30-5:30. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Check out our May/June newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know our high school boys basketball took 2nd place in the state?
- Have you heard about all of our campus improvements?
- Read more about our end-of-year activities!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings at Columbia.
Free Tuition Open House 08/10
We're giving away a FREE semester of tuition at our Open House on Tuesday, August 10, at 7:00PM. Come learn about Columbia Christian School and have an opportunity to win!
Elementary Summer Camp
Get ready for lots of fun! We have limited openings for our elementary summer program, so reserve a spot for your child today.
March/April Newsletter: Latest Updates!
Check out our March/April newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we surpassed our Read-A-Thon goals?
- Have you heard about our "fall" sport successes?
- Read more about recent spring activities!
God continues to bless our school.
Auction Bidding Starts 05/14!
Join us for our 28th Annual Auction to support faith, character, and academics at Columbia Christian! We have many exciting items and experiences up for bid, and we'll be joined by Bethany Hamilton, the famous Soul Surfer.
It's FREE to register for our virtual event. Bidding starts on May 14 and culminates at the live event on May 22.
Visit our auction site for more information!
In the News Again!
March 30, 2021
Columbia Christian was featured in a story by the Christian Chronicle about churches and groups in our region who are “creating meaningful connections”.
Spring Soccer Program
Our annual elementary spring soccer program is back and better than ever! After school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from April 20 through May 13, participants enjoy fitness training, skill activities, and game play.
Elementary Basketball Camp
Students grades 1st-4th can sign up for our elementary basketball camp in April. Hosted on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school, this will be a great time to build skills and have fun with friends.
Jan/Feb Newsletter: Latest Updates!
Check out our January/February newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you know we have a new club on campus?
- Have you heard that our students are back on campus for full days of in-person learning?
- Read more about recent student honors!
God is faithful in blessing our school.
Athlete in the News
February 12, 2021
Our cross country team, high school student Frank Adams, and Coach Kevin Yaws, were recently highlighted in a story on the OSAA website.
Open House & Family Night 01/28
Mark your calendar for Thursday, January 28, at 7:00PM and join our Virtual Open House & Family Night. This event is for current and prospective parents to receive updates about the school. Guests will have opportunity to win prizes like school gear or a month of FREE tuition for 2021-2022.
Christmas Video 2020
Columbia Christian's Fine Arts Department hosted an outdoor 2020 Christmas Extravaganza.
Families who attended enjoyed various activities involving drama, music, art, gnomes, and Santa! We are pleased to share one of the virtual elements for you to experience from home.
Enjoy the video compilations that were featured as part of the Art Walk event. You will see examples of our students' artwork and photos from this school year; you will hear their singing, instrumental performances, and their narration of the birth of Jesus.
Nov/Dec Newsletter: Latest Updates!
Check out our November/December newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you see how much fun we had at the Fall Festival and the Christmas Extravaganza?
- Have you heard about our upcoming Open House & Family Night?
- Read about our students returning to the classrooms!
We are grateful for God's continued blessings.
Veteran's Day Tribute
November 12, 2020
Our high school student government planted a tree on campus yesterday in a special ceremony to honor veterans. Other tributes were also staged around the buildings and grounds providing memorial sites.
We are also pleased to share a special video of our students remembering those who have fought for our freedoms in this country.
In-Person Instruction Continues
November 5, 2020
Columbia Christian students have been given opportunities to come to campus for Limited In-Person Instruction since September, and they are benefiting in so many ways! From social interactions and emotional support, to hands-on projects and group collaboration — this time is a valuable complement to our Comprehensive Distance Learning program.
Want to learn more about the difference our Knights Power Hours are making for these kids? Contact us today: 503-252-8577 or ccs@columbiachristian.com.
Pre-Kindergarten Openings
In Pre-Kindergarten, learning is FUN! Do you know someone looking for a quality preschool program for their child? Our class meets every weekday morning and we have some limited openings. Contact us today to learn more: 503-252-8577 or ccs@columbiachristian.com.
September/October Newsletter: Latest Updates!
Check out our September/October newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Have you heard about our "Knights Power Hours"?
- Did you see updates about our 2020 Move-A-Thon event?
- Read about our current School Board members!
God continues to bless Columbia Christian School.
Elementary Move-A-Thon
October 19, 2020
Support your favorite PreK-5th grade student as they participate in our 25th annual "Move-A-Thon" this week. The kids are gathering pledges to raise funds for campus projects, and they are tracking their hours of fitness activities. You can read more on the flyer - check out the winner of the drawing contest for the event!
Visit our event site to check out our progress as a school, by class, and for your child!
Questions can be directed to Development Director Jason Housley: jhousley@columbiachristian.com.
New Video: Kids on Campus!
October 14, 2020
Our Limited In-Person Instruction (LII) program continues to be a successful addition to our Comprehensive Distance Learning this year. Starting in September 2020, our students were blessed with the opportunity to come to campus for short sessions in small groups with their peers and teachers.
We're On the News!
October 2, 2020
Columbia Christian was featured in a story that aired on KGW8 this week regarding our Limited In-Person Instruction. Their news crew came out to interview our students, teachers, administrators, and parents about the success of the program so far.
Students on Campus!
September 24, 2020
We are pleased to welcome small groups of students back to campus for "Knights Power Hours" Limited In-Person Instruction (up to 2 hours per day). This on-campus time is introduced after three weeks of successful Comprehensive Distance Learning and is an excellent complement to that program. Students and teachers are benefiting from these opportunities to build relationships and focus on social, mental, and spiritual health together.
In-Person Instruction Update
September 16, 2020
We are scheduled to start offering limited in-person instruction next week. These opportunities are called Knights Power Hours, and we are excited about the ways our students will benefit from this quality time together!
We are using these two-hour segments very intentionally — to build the relationships needed for success:
- Relationship with God
- Relationships with Teachers
- Relationships with Classmates
Many children in our local community are struggling right now. In addition to the stresses of the pandemic and the wildfires, they are dealing with feelings of isolation and emotional health needs. We want to address those concerns and provide support and encouragement.
Through our comprehensive distance learning program this fall, we have been able to continue academic progress as well as spiritual formation and the development of Christian character — the very mission of Columbia. We know that our in-person sessions will greatly enhance this growth for our students.
It's not too late to join in! We have some classes with open spots remaining — even while maintaining social distancing requirements in our classrooms. We also still have some financial aid available.
Contact us today to learn more and discuss your next steps! 503-252-8577
Safety First!
September 10, 2020
The health of our students and faculty is of utmost importance at Columbia. As part of our reentry plan for this fall, we installed ultraviolet germicidal irradiation lights in secured areas of the school's HVAC systems.
They are doing much more than creating a blue glow! According to the CDC, these types of lights are one of the most promising decontamination methods, and they are hard at work clearing the air in our buildings.
The school was blessed with grant funding to cover the cost of these system upgrades, and our facilities team worked quickly to get it all installed before our students were back on campus this fall. We are grateful for cleaner air in our classrooms!
Meet the Middle School Team!
The middle school years can be a challenging time of growth and development for many children. At Columbia, we are blessed with an excellent team of faculty to guide and mentor our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.
Do you know someone looking for a positive junior high experience for their child? We have a few openings remaining (even with social-distancing requirements) and we would love to share more about our program. Have them call us to get all their questions answered: 503-252-8577.
Teacher Meet & Greets
August 28, 2020
Columbia elementary and middle school students and families were given the opportunity to visit with our faculty and staff this week in several outdoor sessions. It was a great time to get to know one another and make plans for the great year ahead!
High school students and parents, get ready for your events next Tuesday, September 1!
July/August Newsletter: Latest Updates!
Check out our July/August newsletter for the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Did you catch the latest about our "blended learning" opportunities this fall?
- Have you heard about our students serving this summer?
- Read about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic!
God is faithful in blessing our school.
Countdown to School!
Our faculty, staff, students, and families are excited to count down to our first day of school on Wednesday, September 2. We are all looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
It's not too late... We have some classes that still have spots available - while maintaining social distancing and safety requirements as outlined in our operational blueprint for reentry.
If you have a friend or relative who is uncertain about what is best for their child educationally in these challenging times, we can help! Have them call us to schedule their no-obligation Educational Success Consultation with President Ami Vensel (in person or by Zoom) to have all their questions answered: 503-252-8577.
Reentry Plan Submitted
August 17, 2020
Columbia’s operations plan (blueprint) was submitted to our local health agencies and the Oregon Department of Education this afternoon. The blueprint outlines essential procedures to ensure the health and safety of all members of the community while keeping with our mission to provide academic excellence.
You can view the blueprint, along with other health-related resources, on our COVID Response page.
Thank you for your support in the implementation of Columbia’s plan. Together we can ensure a safe and successful academic year.
2020-2021 Reentry Update
August 14, 2020
Columbia’s Operations Plan (blueprint) is in its final stages and will be shared with our community and with our local health agencies on Monday, August 17. The blueprint outlines necessary procedures to ensure the health and safety of all members of the community while keeping with our mission to provide academic excellence.
What to expect:
Columbia will begin school on September 2nd in Comprehensive Distance Learning with plans to implement limited in-person instruction. The guidance for limited in-person instruction was just released this week from Oregon Department of Education. The in-person option allows us to bridge comprehensive distance learning with in-person instruction for several purposes.
Columbia will provide families with choice. We understand that when Multnomah County comes into compliance with the county metrics (which would allow Columbia to bring all students back to the classroom for 5-day-a-week instruction), some families will want to continue with distance learning. We support this choice and will provide synchronous learning for those students and families who choose to continue with comprehensive distance learning.
Kindergarten through 3rd grade will likely be able to return to in-school instruction earlier under metric allowances. It is understood that younger students need access to in-person instruction to build literacy and numeracy skills critical to their continued learning.
Classroom accommodations have been made to meet the various needs of class size and quality instruction in support of the 35 square-feet per person requirement. This means that some of our teachers have moved classrooms. Columbia is dedicated to providing a quality learning environment for the students and families we serve.
Teacher professional development has taken place throughout the summer to best prepare our faculty for comprehensive distance learning. Trainings have been specifically targeted toward practical skills and knowledge to effectively meet the critical needs of educators and students.
Click here to read the full statement from Columbia Christian administration.
Video Update: Fall Plans
August 6, 2020
President Ami Vensel shares an important and encouraging message regarding plans for the upcoming school year.
Yes, We're Open! Fall Re-Entry Plans
July 20, 2020
Columbia’s fall operations plan (blueprint) is currently under construction and will outline necessary procedures to ensure the safe return to campus while maintaining academic excellence and ensuring the health and safety of all members of the community. At this point, Columbia will be entering school in September at a Campus-Wide Leveled Response Level 2.
We know that the campus facilities will receive increased levels of cleaning and sanitizing, as well as increased containment of groupings of students (cohorts) for the purposes of contact tracing, which may be required at any time during the school year. However, the disruption to typical classroom routines will be minimized to the greatest extent possible in order to support student and staff socio-emotional health.
We recognize that with our return to campus we will operate a bit differently. Nonetheless, while implementing public health recommendations and with God as our refuge and strength, we will continue to deliver an exceptional Christian-based education for all students.
Click here to read the full statement from Columbia Christian administration.
AP Test Results
July 15, 2020
Columbia Christian School offers a variety of AP (Advanced Placement), College Credit Dual Enrollment, and Honors courses for high school students. We are glad to report the success of our AP English Literature students from this past school year! Our participants had a pass rate of nearly 90%!
English instructor Mrs. Wetzler shared with the students: “Your hard work, perseverance and dedication over the last quarter of the school year have paid off. Passing the AP Lit test is no small feat, and I am thrilled for your success. You have demonstrated beyond doubt that you are ready for the rigors of college academic writing and analysis. To put this into perspective, of the approximately 334,000 students who took the test globally, only 60% passed the test. I hope this achievement brings you confidence as you continue your academic pursuits.”
To learn more about academic offerings at Columbia Christian, schedule your no-obligation "Educational Success Consultation" with President Ami Vensel by calling 503-252-8577 today!
Virtual Art Show Results!
The results are in! We enjoyed all the fantastic pieces submitted by our middle and high school students in our Virtual Art Show. Thanks to everyone who participated in viewing and voting for the collections. Check out our winners and all the submissions!
Jared Valentine Named AD
July 14, 2020
We are pleased to announce Jared Valentine as our new Athletic Director. Jared has a Master's degree in Education and 12 years of experience as a college administrator. He served most recently as head coach for Warner Pacific University's men's basketball team. Jared was selected from a pool of 10 applicants for the AD position, and he is excited to serve alongside our staff and faculty at Columbia Christian. Please help us welcome Coach Valentine to the Columbia family!
May/June Newsletter: Latest Updates!
Our May/June newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information.
- Were you part of our graduation celebration this year?
- Have you seen the mess in our gym?
- Read what our parents are saying!
God continues to bless our school.
Read the full newsletter here.
Reverse Parade
May 1, 2020
Our hearts are full after seeing so many of our students and their families at our "Drive-Thru Reverse Parade." ❤️ It was a blessing to be able to stay connected and encouraged in a safe way during these challenging times. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the event!
March/April Newsletter: Updates Here!
Check out the March/April newsletter for information and photos from this spring. Did you hear about our surprise Circus Literacy Day? What about the News Channel 8 feature with our teachers? We continue to experience God's blessings!
Read the full newsletter here.
Auction 2020
It's not too late to support our Auction 2020 campaign - providing resources for students to experience excellence at Columbia Christian!
We grant over $300,000 in tuition assistance each year to families from a variety of backgrounds; your gift makes it possible for more children to experience excellence at Columbia Christian.
If you missed our live event, on Saturday, April 25, you can still watch it online:
Distance Learning Update
April 9, 2020
Many of you heard the latest update from Governor Kate Brown that has closed K-12 school campuses in the state of Oregon through the end of the 2019-2020 school year. At Columbia, our administrators and faculty have been tentatively planning for such a decision, and we are confident that we are equipped to continue guiding our students through “At-Home & Digital Learning” to finish out this fourth quarter. Though the situation is far from ideal, we are making the best of it and pressing on.
There are many folks at Columbia who deserve our appreciation as we have navigated through these challenging times. Our teachers were recently recognized in a segment on KGW News Channel 8 as well as a radio interview by President Ami Vensel on 104.1 The Fish. In both features, Columbia was highlighted as a school that responded quickly and effectively to distance learning. We have witnessed our faculty working tirelessly to adjust to new methods, create new content, engage their students, and continue providing excellence in faith, character, and academics. None of our success would be possible without their dedication and love for our children!
Finally, our biggest thanks go to our students and their families. It is no small task for kids to adapt to significant changes – like suddenly moving all of their studies out of their classroom and expecting them to utilize new learning methods. Many of our parents/guardians are also dealing with job fluctuation – whether that means unemployment, working remotely, or serving on the “front lines” as essential workers. The impact of these transitions can only be magnified by the fact that it’s all taking place in the midst of a great time of stress for our communities, our country, and our world. Your resilience is commendable.
We are reminding ourselves and one-another to “take things one day at a time” and praying that we can glean the blessings from this experience. As we shared in our last message, we find comfort in Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We are in this together and God is doing good things.
Click here to read the full statement from Columbia Christian administration.
Our Teachers in the News!
April 5, 2020
Columbia's elementary faculty were recognized on KGW News for their "At-Home and Digital Learning" methods. You can watch the clip on the Channel 8 website.
At-Home & Digital Learning Continues
March 30, 2020
We hope that you had a restful Spring Break and that you were all able to find moments of joy. We are collectively adapting to our circumstances and learning how to navigate the current directive: “Stay Home, Save Lives.” This looks very different for each individual and family; we pray daily for God’s wisdom and peace through it all.
At Columbia Christian School, we are blessed:
- to have a network of alumni, donors, churches, and friends who support the school with their prayers, efforts, and finances
- by a School Board comprised of members who are involved, responsive, and dedicated to furthering the mission of Columbia – even in challenging times
- through a strong team of faculty members who are equipped, actively collaborating, and devoted to excellence in education
- with students who are growing, learning new skills, and cultivating resilience in unprecedented circumstances
- and most importantly, by parents and guardians who are engaged in the learning process and prioritizing a solid, faith-based academic foundation for the children in their care
In the midst of many uncertainties, we find comfort in Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We are in this together – prioritizing the mission of our school: to provide a Christ-centered education focused on excellence in faith, character, and academics. God is doing good things.
Click here to read the full statement from Columbia Christian administration.
Campus Closure Extended
March 20, 2020
Our prayer is that you are surrounded by the peace that only God can provide as we navigate together through this challenging experience. Updates related to the COVID19 pandemic are constantly changing and we are dedicated to following the directives and guidelines as they are presented by the health authorities – to protect our community, school, and homes.
Many of you heard the decision from Oregon Governor Kate Brown this past Tuesday, to extend the closure of K-12 school campuses until April 28. This adjusts our original plan to resume on-site classes at the beginning of April. At this time, and until further notice, we anticipate welcoming our students back on Wednesday, April 29.
While we await approval for our students to return to our physical campus, we want to offer our thanks and appreciation for your support of our temporary “At-Home/Digital Learning”. It is truly a blessing to be able to seamlessly continue the education of our children and to keep them on track in their classes. We are grateful for our teachers – preparing materials, evaluating progress, and communicating frequently. We are impressed by our students – embracing new methods and adapting to big life changes. And we are pleased to partner with you as parents and guardians – you are the ones who are making this program work in amazing ways.
Click here to read the full statement from Columbia Christian administration.
Oregon School Closure Response
March 13, 2020
In response to Oregon Governor Kate Brown's announcement to close K-12 schools in the state, Columbia Christian School students will not meet on campus through the month of March. Our goal is to continue pursuing excellence and minimize interruptions to the learning process - despite not being able to gather together in physical classrooms during this time.
Our administrators and faculty have been working over the past several weeks to prepare for a situation like this. We are pleased to share the following plan:
- K-7th grade students are receiving learning packets, and teachers will communicate with parents daily through email
- 8th-12th grade students will have digital learning starting on Tuesday, March 17
Click here to read the full statement from Columbia Christian administration.
Jan/Feb Newsletter: Find Updates Here!
Our January/February newsletter has the latest updates, photos, and helpful information. Did you hear about our surprise at Homecoming this year? What about our yo-yo assembly? God continues to bless our school year together.
Read the full newsletter here.
Mid-Year Update from President Vensel
February 25, 2020
Hello Columbia Families,
It is good to be a part of the family at Columbia Christian! God is richly blessing the work and ministry at Columbia and I am excited to reflect and share with you some of the great accomplishments from second quarter.
The Columbia Way
Our faculty and staff continue to be dedicated to the daily integration of Columbia’s core values that begin with fostering a community of relationships. Families who come to visit routinely comment about their experience while on our campus; here’s just one example:
"When we visited Columbia, as soon as we got to the school, we can honestly say we felt the presence of God. We were treated as if we were VIP guests and immediately embraced as family. For us, it left us in awe of how we experienced the heart of God towards us through every individual we encountered. Columbia made us feel like we were home and that we belonged."
A Heart of Service
November brought opportunities for our students to serve and be thankful. We were blessed to honor Veterans at our annual Veteran’s Day program where students of all ages shared scripture, read poetry, and sang songs in honor of those who have served our country. Being thankful also included the kindergarten, first, and second grade classes sharing a Thanksgiving feast. Young Pilgrims and Native Americans gathered at the Eastside church to share gifts and to give thanks for a bountiful meal.
Elementary and middle school students welcomed the Christmas season by presenting a Charlie Brown Christmas choral program that included telling the story of Jesus and his birth. We are grateful to have such talented performers and creative teachers! The Christmas season also provided opportunity for students to serve – collecting warm clothing items and packing shoe boxes with toiletries and school supplies, to bless families in need.
Our own Cameron Lewis (sophomore) led fellow troop members in building two octagonal picnic tables for middle school students to enjoy in the courtyard by the Outlaw Center. Cameron has worked diligently over the past several months to complete his Eagle Scout project, and his labor of love is much appreciated by students at Columbia. Thank you, Cameron!
Professional Growth
Columbia teachers remain steadfast in their professional training that equips them to embed all subjects in biblical worldview and mentor students in Christian faith. Marquita Moss (of Brentwood Christian), and Paul Fisher (of Harding Academy), are leading our three-year biblical worldview training program. We are celebrating the work we have completed so far with personal mission and philosophy as well as core content mission and philosophy statements. We are now in the process of writing curriculum standards and indicators in biblical worldview. Pursuing Christ-centered instruction that produces excellence in faith, character, and academics is at the heart of Columbia’s mission.
ACSI accreditation is a highly effective way for a Christian school to evaluate itself in light of its unique educational mission. In the fall of 2020, Columbia will go through the re-accreditation process that includes a self-study, which guides our school to evaluate and reflect on 1) academics, 2) skills for living, 3) biblical worldview development, and 4) personal character and spiritual formation.
This self-study process includes a school profile (history, demographics, student achievement, mission, vision, core values, survey results, and supporting evidence). We are excited about Columbia’s growth over the past five years and are looking forward to welcoming the accreditation team on our campus this fall.
Beyond the Classroom
It’s exciting when our students step out into our community to put learning into action! High school students in our pre-engineering class recently visited the Multnomah County Bridge office in downtown Portland. Students were able to view technical drawings, as well as learn the history and mechanics of bridge building. They explored the Morrison Bridge tower viewing deck where they observed an actual bridge lift, and then were led down inside of the bridge to view all of the mechanics. Mrs. Hall was thrilled to offer an experience her students will never forget! This is just one of the many field trips our students have enjoyed this year to enhance their education.
Thank you for your prayers, support, and partnership in the mission at Columbia Christian! God has blessed Columbia in so many ways – we are grateful!
For Our Students for His Glory,
Ami Vensel, President
Check out the November/December newsletter for information and photos from our time together this year. Have you heard about all the improvements in our gym? What about our various student activities and events? The 2019-2020 school year is full of blessings!
Open House 02/09
Join us on Sunday, February 9, at 2:00PM to learn more about our programs, growth, and changes.
Mid-Quarter Update from Principal Davis
December 9, 2019
Greetings Columbia Families,
In the midst of these very chilly fall days, I would like to extend to you a warm welcome into the family at Columbia Christian. Fall is a great time of year at Columbia as we launch a new school year and welcome new families into our community. I am blessed to serve as your school principal and am grateful to be in partnership with you in educating your children spiritually and academically, and in the training of minds, hearts, and souls.
I’m happy to share with you some highlights since we began this year together, starting with our amazing faculty who continue to focus on integration of Biblical Worldview into our curriculum. This is an intentional work which has included significant professional development time and growth across all of our disciplines: math, science, social studies, language and literature, the arts, and Bible. We are devoted to having God’s truth permeate everything we do.
Pursuing academic excellence is paramount at Columbia. In support of this effort, our students have ongoing opportunities to participate in MAP testing (Measures of Academic Progress). MAP provides teachers with current and relevant data to personalize instruction for each student. High school students also completed the PSAT (Preliminary SAT Test) administered by College Board. The PSAT helps our students prepare and better understand the SAT which they will take as part of their college and career plan.
Let me also draw your attention to recognizing the following achievements:
- Our elementary students participated in the 24th annual Jog-A-Thon event. We were blessed to raise a record amount of $15,000 through donations and sponsors.
- Thanks to the help of many volunteers and shoppers, our fall Book Fair earned over $1,900 for new materials for our library and classrooms.
- Our annual Grandparents Day in October brought many family members and special friends to the campus for breakfast, tours, visiting classes, project showcases, and an enjoyable collection of student performances. We love having these relatives share in our ministry.
- In November, we paused to recognize veterans. Our Veterans Assembly was attended by many guests from the community and included songs performed by our students in honor of our service men and women.
As we pursue our mission of excellence in faith, character, and academics, I am proud to share with you that our chapel worship continues to be an integral part of the Columbia experience for elementary, middle, and high school students. These weekly gathering times are dedicated to worship, Bible lessons, devotion, and encouragement. In the high school, our student body Religious Activities Coordinator, Cameron Stark, has worked diligently to plan chapels, arrange guest speakers, and personally share messages. Once per month, our entire student population enjoys gathering as a united group for “all-school” chapel. What an encouragement it is to see children from PreK through 12th grade joining in praise.
Our faculty and administration are involved in the early steps of our self-study for school accreditation. Columbia has been dually accredited by ACSI and AdvancEd since 2000; our renewal occurs every five years. The reports being compiled now will be presented to the accreditation team that will be onsite for our evaluation in October of 2020. We covet your prayers and support in this process.
It is my pleasure to serve at Columbia, and to partner with you and our students in continuing to grow Columbia Christian. We rely foremost on God’s leadership and then on the support of families like yours. In addition, we are blessed with academically strong and faithful faculty, and a team of dedicated staff. With these elements combined, we are fulfilling our mission to help students become leaders and shapers of culture – living faithfully under the Lordship of Christ. We look forward to more great things through this school year.
Joel B. Davis, M.Ed.
The September/October newsletter shares some of our fall activities and highlights several of our important supporters. The 2019-2020 school year is off to a great start!
We appreciate the grandparents and other special friends who joined us for our annual Grandparents Day event. Your support means so much to our school and our students. Thank you!
Welcome Back Letter from the President
Greetings from Columbia Christian School,
We are a month into classes and enjoying another great year. It is a blessing and an honor to serve as your school president in the mission of providing a Christ-centered education focused on excellence in faith, character, and academics.
I believe God is doing a great work at Columbia Christian, such as the prophet Isaiah proclaims in Isaiah 43:19, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” This great work has taken many forms and I would love to take this opportunity to allow you to perceive it!
1. We as an administration and school board are committed to the Columbia Way which celebrates each child as significant, valuable, and uniquely created in the image of God. We recognize and appreciate that each student and family comes to us with a distinct background and history that enhances our culture and blesses our school community. The Columbia Way provides the assurance that our faculty and staff are faithful to a language and practice that reflects Christ and honors God.
2. God has blessed us with the addition of 85 new students who desire a Christ-centered education in a community where relationships are fostered between students, staff, and families. It is through relationship that we build trust, form partnership, and embark on the journey of raising up children to know and love God. We are excited to welcome these families into the Columbia community!
3. Three new high school Bible teachers join our faculty from local Churches of Christ with a desire to be a part of the mission and vision of Columbia, investing in the lives of young people and equipping them in faith and character. Matt Wojcik is the new preaching minister at Metro Church of Christ and is thrilled to be a part of discipleship at Columbia. Steve Haney, an alumnus of Cascade College, is the youth minister at Oregon City Church of Christ and is excited to be back on campus working with teens in the classroom. Anna Carter, daughter of Morgan Outlaw (our late Chancellor Emeritus) is a graduate of Columbia Christian, and has raised her children and grandchildren in the school. Mrs. Carter is passionate about teaching the Word of God and encouraging young people to develop and grow a faith walk.
4. We are excited to highlight Columbia’s Core Values that speak to the heart of Columbia’s mission:
Fostering a community of relationship – We are more than just teachers, staff members, and administrators; we are mentors and change-agents. We use the ultimate example of Jesus Christ as our guide to building positive Christ-centered relationships. We want every student to feel loved, encouraged, and inspired during their time at Columbia.
Pursuing Truth – Believing that all truth comes from God, we are committed to integrating a Biblical worldview in all areas of faith, character, and academics.
Devoted to Excellence – As a faculty and staff, we pursue excellence in all that we do to glorify God and to serve others.
Abundant Living – Christ came so that we may have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). We encourage students to love God and love others. Developing an attitude and posture of service, we encourage students to impact peers, families, churches, communities, and the world for Christ.
5. Our school culture continues to warm the hearts of all those who interact with our campus. We witness students stepping into leadership roles, welcoming new peers into classes, and encouraging one another in academic rigor, sports competitions, and chapel worship. I love to tell stories of our students – your children – doing amazing things!
We are keenly aware of, and actively pursuing, our vision to lead an ever-growing number of students in the greater Portland area to know and love God, to equip them with a Christian Worldview and a strong academic foundation, and to enable them to discover and develop their God-given gifts for abundant living and life-long Christian leadership and service.
It is a privilege and a blessing to serve and to be a part of what God is doing here at Columbia! We are thankful that we get to partner with you in equipping your children both academically and spiritually for a lifelong walk of faith.
Blessings of peace and joy,
Ami Vensel
Columbia in the News!
Our school was featured in the national Christian Chronicle for service work our students completed in Summer 2019. Several of our middle and high schoolers participated in local volunteer projects including building and grounds work at the Agape Village – a "tiny home" community designed to combat the homeless epidemic in Portland. You can view the story and the KGW8 news clip on the Christian Chronicle website.
Walk-In Wednesdays
Walk-In Wednesdays!
If you want to visit us at Columbia Christian, but you don’t have an appointment, it’s no problem! Visitors are welcome to drop by any Wednesday between 9:00am and 4:00pm to learn about our programs, tour our campus, and see first-hand what makes this community so special. President Ami Vensel offers free, no-obligation Educational Success Consultations to discuss the goals for each child. We’ll see you next Wednesday!
We look forward to seeing you! Click to purchase tickets.
09/11 Prayer
Columbia Christian middle school and high school students gathered with staff and faculty at the central courtyard flagpole to remember and pray over the tragic events of 09/11/2001.
August Newsletter: Back To School
Free Tuition Open House: 8/15
New families: This is an event you won't want to miss!
July Newsletter: Spotlight on Alumni
End-of-the-Year Letter
Dear Columbia Families,
Honor Night, Banner Night, and graduation ceremonies are over for 2018-19; it’s time to look to the future.
With that in mind, I have a question for you: What do you dream for your children? Do you have a vision for the lives of your sons and daughters after they march across the stage to receive their high school diplomas?
If so, we are dreaming right along with you. Our dream is that Columbia graduates will be equipped for the abundant life, the life that will be “immeasurably more than all they ask or imagine.” 1
What does “abundant life” mean? While academic preparation and skill development to the limit of each student’s God-given potential is essential, that’s just the beginning. Acceptance at the college of choice is important, but again, it’s just a preliminary to life. The most important things we dream for our students go beyond a career that pays well and a beautiful home.
At Columbia, we dream that our graduates will experience the joy and beauty of:
- The abundant life found only in Christ
- Life-long marriage to a husband or wife who is one’s closest friend and Christian companion
- A church family to love and support through all the challenges of life
- Children and grandchildren who also know the Lord
- Meaningful work that brings out all the potential God has supplied, provides for home and family, and makes going to work a joy
There was a time that most Christians took this vision for granted, but no longer. More than 30 years ago, Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family warned that nothing short of a great civil war of values is raging today throughout this country. Lined up against the Christian vision of the good life is a solid front of well-organized and well-financed groups that start with the assumption that God doesn’t exist.
As a result, the Christian foundation on which our legal and political system and our system of public education were built is disintegrating, replaced by intolerance for every precept and practice of Christian faith, celebration of immoral behavior, proliferation of violence, growing cynicism and selfish disregard for others – accompanied by hopelessness and an alarmingly high rate of suicide.
While this battle may seem to be new, it’s only the latest skirmish in a war that began when Satan convinced Adam and Eve to turn their backs on God. The Apostle Paul described this battle in Ephesians 6:12: “For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”
Arming God’s people to win this battle is why Jesus came into the world. “I came that they may have life,” Jesus said, “and have it abundantly.” 2 He also warned, “In this world you will have trouble; but take heart! I have overcome the world.” 3
But what about education, you ask? Research shows that the kind of Christian education that Columbia offers and continually strives to perfect also results in high academic outcomes, critical thinking skills, and preparation for rigorous colleges more often than public schools. Students who graduate from a Christian school are three times more likely to obtain a college degree.
The periodically administered Cardus Education Survey, the benchmark for data on independent Christian Education in North America, also shows that Christian education has a significant positive impact on public service, marriage and family life, generosity, and faithful Christian living.
As we look to the future, we are taking steps to make sure Columbia students are grounded in the only vision that gives life meaning and purpose, a reason to get up in the morning, and that results in joy in the journey of life.
Our faculty is continuing a three-year program on teaching across the curriculum based on the biblical worldview. We are doubling down on academic testing outcomes to determine where each student is strong and designing strategies to strengthen areas of weakness. We are continuing to pursue training, such as the recent Neuroeducation Workshop, to learn and put into practice what the latest research reveals about how students learn.
When students return in the fall, we at Columbia will be better prepared than ever to help them grow with excellence in faith, character, and academics.
May God grant you and your family His grace and peace this summer!
Marquita Moss
President1 Ephesians 3:202 John 10:103 John 16:32-33 -
Special Graduation Newsletter
Summer Arts Camps: 3 Sessions Available
This summer, Columbia is hosting three Art Camps, each a week long. Please click here for the brochure and registration information.
Are you a high schooler interested in interning? Click here for the application.
Fine Arts Festival: 5/23
The Fine Arts Festival will be held at the Eastside Church of Christ on May 23, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
May 2019 Newsletter
Girls Basketball Coach Announced
David Spirlin is coming 'home" as the new Head Coach of the Knights Girls Basketball Program. Coach Spirlin is a graduate of Columbia Christian College, having played basketball under long-time coach Jim Flint. Spirlin earned a degree in Physical Education and a teaching license for his work at the college, and has been teaching and coaching in the area ever since. He currently is in his 19th year of teaching in the Vancouver School District. He has had stints as the head basketball coach at Scappoose HS, Hudson's Bay HS, Camas HS, and even spent some time as an Assistant Women's Coach at Clark College.
Coach Spirlin is excited to be back at Columbia and to take on the challenge of developing the girls basketball program. He commented, "I'm thrilled and blessed to be given the opportunity to coach these young ladies and look forward to making a positive impact on their lives. I am also excited to be coaching in the gym I played in."
Columbia Christian Begins Initiative to Reduce Bullying —Parents Hold the Key
Anti-bullying expert Paul Coughlin will be speaking to parents and other community members at Columbia Christian School on Monday, May 20, at 7 p.m. in the campus gym.
Bring a Friend to School Day 5/8
May 8th is "Bring a Friend to School Day" at Columbia Christian! Middle school and high school students are encouraged to invite a guest to participate. Click on the flyer below to go to the registration page or click here.
Join us for our Annual Family Fun Knight!
Friday, May 3rd from 5pm-8pm.
3rd Quarter Report from President Moss
Dear Columbia Families,
Before sharing an update with you about the last quarter, I want to take a moment to ask you to reserve Monday evening May 20 for a very important service that Columbia is offering our students, our families, and our community:
Columbia is partnering with The Protectors, an internationally recognized freedom-from-bullying organization, to train students, faculty, and parents to address this dark phenomenon. More than a school problem, bullying has become a national scourge, but one which can’t thrive when parents and schools equip students to respond to it.
Studies tell us that when our children witness bullying (this includes nearly all school-age children) and do not respond in a pro-social way, their capacity for courage, sympathy, and related virtues actually decreases in the future. They are less likely to be the kind of children we want them to be.
But the opposite is also true. When our children respond to bullying in a strong and non-violent manner, their capacity for courage, sympathy, and related virtues increases then and on into the future. They literally become more righteous than before, and the courage they gain will help them become greater leaders now and into adulthood.
Sessions with the Protectors are planned for students during the school day on May 20, after school for faculty, and in the evening for parents and friends. You will receive more details in the coming weeks.
As I think about Columbia’s third quarter ending and the final quarter getting underway, our talented students are the first delight that comes to mind.
Fine arts are blossoming all spring this year, with music at all levels and middle school drama for the first time in a while: Danielle Valentine is our full-time drama/choir teacher and Jan Farnsworth is our part-time early elementary music teacher.
If you haven’t seen the spring musical, Into the Woods, yet, I hope you will see it this weekend. Drama and music combine into a highly professional performance that, yes, I admit, put a lump in my throat and brought tears to my eyes last weekend. From the smallest cameo performance to all the leading players, I was impressed. But the actress who really stole my heart was third grader Emrie Riske as Little Red Riding Hood. Creative directing by Mrs. Valentine drew both raucous laughter and quiet contemplation from the audiences.
Not to be outdone, the elementary Mary Poppins Extravaganza combined songs and scenes from the classic Disney film against backdrops created by the high school music class to win the acclaim of all who attended. Directed by Mrs. Valentine and Mrs. Jan Farnsworth, the musical showcased elements of singing, choreography, acting, and simple musical instruments.
Beyond the arts:
The campus is a hive of activity, with the school hosting an Easter egg hunt for the Montavilla neighborhood on Sunday afternoon and the Sola Scriptura life-long learning class exploring the history and importance of the Bible on Tuesday nights, seniors planning a Disney trip, middle school planning its Washington, D. C., trip, athletes competing in track meets, spring soccer, and golf events, and the whole campus getting ready for Family Fun Knight on May 3.
Of course, the biggest happening of the last quarter:
The school board announced that our principal Ami Vensel, will be our next president. In that role, Mrs. Vensel will be responsible to the board for the total operation of the school for everything from campus management to fundraising and development. I am excited about the future under her leadership when she takes office on September 1. Meanwhile, we have initiated a search for her replacement as principal, the person responsible to the president for the academic program. We will keep you informed as that effort moves forward.
We are so glad that you are part of the Columbia family! I will miss this close-knit fellowship when I go back to Texas this fall. God has blessed Columbia in so many ways – dedicated and caring teachers, a large and beautiful campus, a proactive school board, and so much more!
It’s a great time to be a Columbia Knight!
Marquita Moss
President -
Columbia families and guests are invited and encouraged to read our latest newsletter.
Click on the thumbnail for dates and showtimes.
Musical held at Eastside Church of Christ
2019 Easter Egg HuntFREE Easter Egg Hunt on April 21stsponsored by Gresham Ford and Montavilla Initiative
New CITE Bible Class
Columbia Christian is hosting a 6-week CITE course. The course is Sola Scriptura: The History and Importance of the Bible. Follow the link below to visit the course page and learn more about this exciting educational opportunity.
Sola Scriptura: The History and Importance of the Bible
A CITE Life-Long Learning (L3) Class
Hosted by Columbia Christian School
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Darren Williamson
DATES: Tuesdays, 6-9pm; April 16 – May 28, 2019
COURSE FEE: $30 (+$5 for Continuing Education Units)
Visit http://www.cite-osucc.com/courses/fall-2018/sola-scriptura/ for a course description and to register. -
New President Announced
For immediate release
Columbia Christian School Names New President
Portland, OR (March 29, 2019) –The Board of Columbia Christian School has selected Ami Vensel as the school’s next president.
Board President Dr. David Tucker announced Mrs. Vensel’s selection on the Friday before spring break at a meeting of the faculty and staff. Mrs. Vensel will assume the new role September 1.
In that meeting, Dr. Tucker said, “After an extended search and much prayer, the Board came to the conclusion that the best person for this job was already on our staff. Mrs. Vensel has the academic background and spiritual depth to thrive in this position, and we believe she is the one to lead Columbia Christian into a better future. She has exciting plans for our school, and the Board looks forward to working with her.” ...[Read more here]
Spring Auction: Tickets Available
Tickets for our Spring Auction "Bloom Where You Are Planted" are for sale online and in the Sanders Office. This special event includes dinner, silent and live auction, and is our biggest fundraiser of the year. Click the bold text below to be taken to the auction webpage.
Winter 2019 Newsletter
Columbia families and guests are invited and encouraged to read our latest newsletter. This edition includes fall registration information for new and returning families, basketball season recap, student achievements, and spring events to plan for.
Rescheduled: Open House February 24, 2019
Columbia Christian will hold an Open House on February 24, 2019 at 2pm. Prospective families interested in learning more about the school should mark their calendars to come and see all that Columbia has to offer. There will be many incentives for attending, incuding prizes and a registration fee discount, good for that day only. If you have any questions, please call Admissions Director Carrie Rude at 503-252-8577.
Fall 2018 Newsletter
Columbia families and guests are invited and encouraged to read our latest newsletter. This edition includes a Quarter 1 recap, important events, and inspiring stories.
First Quarter Report from President Moss
Dear Columbia Families,
Geese are on the soccer field and beautiful red leaves are falling to the ground in piles – sure signs that Columbia’s second quarter is now in full swing. This month’s all-school chapel and yesterday’s high school chapel seemed to exemplify so much good that is going on at school, that it prompts me to offer you a First Quarter Report.
A sweet spirit is pervading the campus. What could be sweeter than watching older students escort their chapel buddies into the auditorium? Together, all our students from PreK through 12th grade “lifted the rafters” with enthusiastic and joyful singing, led by Mr. Rude and three senior high boys. At high school chapel, Mr. Wagner asked if any students were brave enough to admit that sin is destructive and painful from their own experience. Immediately, about a dozen students stood up, inspiring all the other students to join them. What an example of the power of leadership!
Helping students grow toward spiritual maturity and academic excellence are high priorities at Columbia. This commitment is the reason for several major initiatives we outlined back in the school’s August newsletter. I want to give you an update on three of these initiatives.
- Our new achievement testing program is helping teachers alter instruction to address any gaps in student learning. The MAP test not only allows students to demonstrate what they know, it actually adjusts as students take it. Correct answers prompt harder questions, challenging the student and seeking to really measure his or her knowledge and skills. Wrong answers prompt an easier question to help relieve test anxiety and to determine where a student needs help. Within 24 hours of the test, teachers are able to review testing data and begin adjusting instruction to meet student needs. Faculty training in the use of test data to enhance and inform instruction has been a key element in this process.
- Project 117 is helping our faculty focus our curriculum on a solid biblical understanding of the nature of truth. Last spring and through the summer, each teacher spent more than 70 hours in training sessions, worldview reading, and online dialogue and reflection regarding the worldviews that influence curriculum and instruction, as well as daily living. Since August, teachers have been working on vertical teams in the areas of math, science, history, English, and fine arts to re-think course philosophies, missions, and goals from a biblical point of view.
- Enthusiasm about our added AP and college credit courses instituted this fall provide a good indication that many students are eager to get the most out of their high school instruction. We are offering six AP or college credit classes, four of which are new this year, and we are pleased to report that half of our high school students are enrolled in two or more of these higher-level courses. Work done to improve mathematics instruction last year and increased participation in rigorous classwork may account for the 58 point (or 6%) increase in average SAT scores for the class of 2019 over the previous class, with 85% of the students having completed the exam so far.
Over the past 40 years, I have seen that helping students develop a comprehensive biblical worldview through everything they study and a strong commitment to excellence goes hand in hand with high SAT and achievement test scores. These commitments put feet on Columbia’s mission to provide a Christ-centered education focused on excellence in faith, character, and academics.
We are thankful that we get to partner with you in equipping your children both academically and spiritually for a lifelong walk of faith.
Grace and peace,
Marquita Moss, President -
Fall Production: Clue Murder Mystery
Purchase tickets online now for our fall production (six showtimes offered in November!): https://secure.qgiv.com/for/colchrsch/event/795616/
Tickets can also be purchased at the office in the Sanders building.
Once you purchase your tickets, you will receive an email with directions to reserve your seating. Seat reservations are based on availability. Before you complete your transaction, please confirm your show date/times.
Click here to view a full screen version of the drama poster
Grandparents & Special Friends Day 10/19
*PreK, Elementary & Middle School Only*
Please invite your Grandparents or Special Friends to join your student for breakfast and a special program at Columbia Christian on Friday, October 19, beginning at 8 A.M. Details below.
Back To School Night: 8/30
Parents and MS and HS students: Plan to come to Back to School Night on 8/30 to hear important new information regarding the upcoming school year. Please see the attached photo for all the details and direct any questions to ccs@columbiachristian.com or call 503-252-8577.
Click here to view a full-screen version of the flyer.
A generous grant from the Cox Foundation has been given to Columbia Christian to issue free iPads to all High School Students. More information can be found here.
Columbia families and guests are invited and encouraged to read our latest newsletter. This special administrative edition is full of important information needed for the 2018-2019 school year.
Youth Golf Camp
Youth Golf Camp
Grades 6th-12th
June 19-21, 2018 , 10:00am - 12:00pm
The camp will be held at Glendoveer Golf Course (14015 NE Glisan St. Portland, OR) with Aaron Johnson, PGA Director of Instruction and Player Development and Tom Hamilton, Columbia Christian Golf Coach. The cost is $55. Players will learn basics of grip, stance and swing, chipping and putting. There will also be fun contests and education on rules and etiquette along with on course experience. Golfers will receive a glove and rules book.
Sign up with coach Tom Hamilton by calling 971-235-0206 or email cthamiltonjr@yahoo.com by May 31, 2018. Checks should be made out to Glendoveer Golf and Tennis, payable on the first day of the camp. -
Summer Camps
"STEAM" (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Summer Camps at Columbia Christian:
AUGUST 13TH – 24TH: READY FOR TAKEOFF: AIR & SPACEYour child can participate in our exciting summer camp program: “Discover STEAM.” We offer a safe, fun environment for children to explore, play, learn, serve, & grow. We keep children active through innovative learning and fun activities. STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics as access points for guiding inquiry, dialogue, & critical thinking. The end results are students who take thoughtful risks, engage in experiential learning, persist in problem-solving, embrace collaboration, and work through the creative process. These are the innovators, educators, leaders, and learners of the 21st century!
Who can come?
We offer four 2-week camp sessions especially designed for 1st-6th graders. Each camp session is unique, so students can attend one or more for a fun-filled summer.What are the hours?
The camp sessions will run from 8:30am to 3:30pm each day. Drop off as early as 8:00am and pick up by 4:00pm.
How much is it?
Each 2-week Session: $250 • Weekly Charge: $150 • Daily Charge: $40 • Field Trip Charge: $5-$8 IMPORTANT: A $25 DEPOSIT PER CAMP SESSION WILL RESERVE YOUR CHILD’S SPOT.
What can we expect?
The program will include field trips & other fun outdoor activities. Students will need to bring their own lunches and a daily snack will be provided. How do we register? Detach and return the form below to either school office, along with the deposit.Click here to print the registration form. Return it to the school office, along with your deposit to reserve your child's spot. If you have any questions, please email Director Pearl Howarth at phowarth@columbiachristian.com
Plant Sale
Shop for annuals, perennials, vegetables, hanging baskets & planters
• Locally grown
• High quality plants
• Reasonably priced
• (for more info see https://newleafgreenhouse.com)We accept cash, card or checks (payable to Columbia Christian Schools)
To reserve plants or for more details, contact:
Lisa DiVincenzo at lisamdivincenzo@gmail.com or call or text 503-891-1728 -
Fine Arts Showcase
The Fine Arts Showcase is Monday, May 21 at Eastside Church of Christ, from 7-8pm. Artwork from middle and high school studenst will be showcased after the performances in the basement of the church. Come and support our fine arts programs!
Family Fun Knight
Please join us this Friday evening for Family Fun Knight! Invite your friends and others in the community to come and enjoy bounce houses, face painting, obstacle courses, bottle toss, hole in one, cake walk, BINGO!... and so much more. Rain or shine, join us for family fun on campus from 5-8pm.
Spring Musical
The Columbia Christian High School Drama Department is excited to announce our spring musical The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.
You can purchase tickets by calling 503-252-8577 or coming into our school office during office hours.
Tickets are also on sale at the door beginning an hour before the performance.
Field Trip Fun
The 5th and 6th Grade classes at Columbia Christian took a journey through the book A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. After each class finished the novel, they took a field trip to the theater to watch the Disney version of the story.
Columbia's boys basketball team brought home the 1st place trophy for Oregon 2A schools and we couldn't be more proud. Read the full story here!
Principal Ami Vensel Appointed ACSI District Representative
Association of Christian Schools International regional director Dr. Deborah Miller, announced the appointment of Columbia principal Ami Vensel as the new District 2B representative for ACSI.
“In my short tenure as Regional Director and previously when I had student teachers in my Multnomah program in her building and then as a fellow administrator while at WCHS, I have found Ami to be energetic, optimistic, service-oriented, collaborative, honest, visionary, and godly,” Dr. Miller said in announcing her appointment. “I am thankful to have her leadership in our region.”
ACSI is the largest private school accreditation body in the world. Columbia Christian is accredited by ACSI and AdvancED, and has been educating students in northeast Portland and beyond for over 70 years. They have a current enrollment of 320 students in grades PreK through 12th.
Columbia president Marquita Moss commended Mrs. Vensel on her appointment, noting that she has served on accreditation teams at other schools and has demonstrated her commitment to high accreditation standards and excellence in education.
Click here to read more about Columbia's history and accreditation.
Columbia Christian is pleased to offer two options for Kindergarten students in 2018-2019. Click here to read more about the full-day and half-day options!
Boys Basketball Success
Read about Coach Valentine and the success of our boys varsity basketball team in the Portland Tribune. Go Knights!
Band Student Honor
Connor D, 8th grade student at Columbia Christian School, performed at the Hult Center in Eugene as a member of the 2018 Oregon Music Educators Association's Middle School All-State Honor Band. Connor was selected from among hundreds of applicants as one of the top middle school band musicians in Oregon. While he was in Eugene, Connor played in a band with 165 student-musicians from schools across the state, directed by renowned conductor Cheryl Floyd (Austin, Texas). Though the students received the sheet music in December, and had been practicing since then, the conference was full of several more hours of rehearsal, training in technique, and culminated with the All-State Middle School Honor Band Gala Concert on Friday evening, January 12th. The Honor Band performed at the beautiful Hult Center for the Performing Arts.
Connor began playing a basic clarinet in 2014 as part of Columbia Christian’s 5th grade Band program. As Connor's musical skills improved, he discovered that he would need a better instrument to continue his advancement. Through his own efforts, Connor got a job and began earning money to purchase a professional clarinet. Connor’s dedication to the arts is inspirational! After school, Connor can often be found on campus at the top of the dining hall stairs playing his clarinet. Connor says the acoustics are amazing there! -
Athlete of the Week
Columbia's own Elijah Munyan, freshman basketball player, was highlighted as "Athlete of the Week" in the Portland Tribune in January 2018. The Knights are enjoying another successful basketball season!
Welcome Anne Deidrich to the Board of Trustees
The Columbia Christian Board of Directors this month voted to add CCS parent Anne Deidrich as the newest member of the board. An experienced leader, Anne is the national compliance reporting manager for Kaiser Permanente. She has more than 15 years of experience in project analysis and management, quality implementation, and customer requirement implementation.
Anne and her husband Brian have two children attending Columbia, Montgomery in third grade and Hudson in first grade. Both have attended Columbia since PreK. Anne is a graduate of Cascade College and has a MBA from Regis University. She previously taught several business courses at Cascade College and Warner Pacific College.
Anne said that she is excited about serving on the board and believes that her role with Kaiser has equipped her to be a contributing member. At Kaiser, her work with audit and regulatory processes enabled her to contribute to strategic initiatives that increased effectiveness and efficiency.
Known for building and fostering relationships, Anne says she loves the school and has a deep faith in the value of Christian education. With young children at Columbia, she has a vested interest in the future of the school. “With the growth currently occurring at Columbia, it feels like the right time to join the board, roll up some sleeves and get to work,” she explained. “It is the perfect time to help partner on strategic decisions and the future direction of Columbia.
Other members of the board include David Tucker, chair, and Paul Baldwin, Arleen Barnett, Doug Hanna, Julian Hess, Chuck Lawrence, Mike Lawrence, Craig Moody, and DeAnn Womack.
Homecoming Events on 12/16/17
Our 2017 Homecoming celebration will be held on Saturday 12/16 at 3:00pm in the gymnasium. A bake sale sponsored by the PTF will be taking place in the lobby before and during Homecoming (2:30pm-6pm). If you haven’t been to this annual event before, here is an idea of what to expect:
- The coronation program typically runs 25-30 minutes and will conclude by 3:30 PM.
- Students from 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will participate as the “candle lighters” for the ceremony
- Six princesses from our high school will be introduced with their escorts
- These ladies were chosen by their peers to represent our core values: Faith, Character, and Academics.
- One princess will be crowned queen at the end of the program (as selected by fellow students)
- Cost to be admitted is the standard admission fee for basketball, students may enter free with student ID card
- A section of the bleachers will be reserved for parents of the court
The boys varsity game vs. Life Christian will begin at 4:00pm